“I am a member of the Bribri indigenous area of Dururpe, in the Kolkiwak clan”, this is how Aner introduces himself. He lives with his wife and son, who along with many BriBri are going through a difficult time as a result of Covid-19. Aner’s income comes totally from organic banana, plantain and cacao, from which international buyers such as TROBANEX or the national company APPTA, are in charge of making a biweekly purchase.
Right now demand for Aner’s crops has dropped, and his prices have gone down. The amount his family currently gets for 660 pounds of bananas (what they may harvest on a good day) is $35. This works to about 5 cents a pound.
Sometimes due to the low demand, the companies do not buy his produce and he doesn’t earn anything. Thanks to donations to El Puente, we are able to supplement his income right now and help support his family until demand hopefully returns.
“I want to thank you for this help that you are giving me, and my family. We thank you very much!” This is what Aner said very enthusiastically, when our local manager gave him the funds. “And greetings from Dururpe!”