Today Alejandro is a community leader and part of the next generation who will carry the Bribri people into the future. When Alejandro first came to El Puente, he was with his parents who had just emerged from the jungle interior over a week’s walk away.

The oldest child in his family, 7-year-old Alejandro spoke little to no Spanish with Bribri being his native tongue.  He was the first child to sign up for the El Puente school program.  

Alejandro worked hard throughout his education and went on to complete high school.  He spent considerable time at El Puente over the years and still frequents the Steven’s home to this day

As an adult Alejandro has been appointed a guardian of the Bribri culture and works with his community to protect the land, language, and way of life.  Speaking 5 languages, including 2 indigenous languages (Bribri, Cabecar, Spanish, English and French) Alejandro himself has become a bridge between his own people and the non-indigenous of Talamanca. 

He also works daily both as a carpenter and multi-lingual tour-guide in the Puerto Viejo area.If it wasn’t for El Puente and its continued support over the years, Alejandro may never have found himself in the position of leadership he holds today.

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